IOOF Odd Fellows Social Media Submission Form

Is your lodge going to sponsor an event or has your lodge sponsored or attended an event recently? Would your lodge like to be featured in a post on the Sovereign Grand Lodge's Facebook or Instagram? Please submit some basic information about your event and some pictures so we can share them with our fellow brothers and sisters. Let's show everyone what we are all about!

Any IOOF Odd Fellows or Rebekah member may submit events for consideration. We will contact you by email if we have questions. You will be informed if your submission is posted.

The IOOF Sovereign Grand Lodge Communications Committee volunteers are proud to provide this new social media participation opportunity to all members.

* Required Field

Name of event: *Please provide the name of your event.
Type of event: *Please tell us the type of event.
Date of event: *Date fo event either past or present.
Time of event: *Please tell us the time your are having or had your event.
Description of your event: *Please tell us a brief describtion of event.
Who Should the Public Contact? *Please provide the name or names of a person or people the public may contact for more information.
Event Public Contact Email? *Please provide an email address the public may use to contact for more information.
Picture Upload - Max of 5 - Accepted picture formats jpg, jpeg, png: You are able to upload a maximun of 5 pictures with allowable file types of jpg, jpeg, png.
Drag & Drop Files Here Browse Files
Your IOOF Lodge Name and Number *Your Lodge Name and number such as My Lodge #221.
Your IOOF Lodge Street Address *The physical address of your lodge - no PO Box please
Your IOOF Lodge City, State/Province and Country *The city, state/province and country where your physical lodge is located - No PO Box please.
Your Name - (Confidential - Not Published) *Your name is only for administrative purposes and will not be made public.
Your Lodge Position - (Confidential - Not Published) *Your Lodge Position such as member, secretary, PNG, etc. - is only for administrative purposes and will not be made public.
Your Email Address - (Confidential - Not Published) *Your Email Address is only for administrative purposes and will not be made public.